
If you need to contact us, please refer to the page:


The cookies on this site are necessary for the proper functioning of the site. 🍪

  • theme : The theme used (light, dark)

  • locale : The language used

  • token : A login to identify yourself on the different pages

Usage statistics

We collect some information detailed below in order to build up statistics about the use of this site

If the retrieval of detailed data was accepted on the first visit, we retrieve the following information

  • Browser: Size (ex: 1920x1080), Name (ex: Microsoft Edge), Version (ex: 112.0.1722.48)

  • Device: Brand (ex: Apple), Model (ex: iPad)

  • Operating System: Name (e.g. Windows), Version (e.g. 10)

  • Screen: Size (ex: 1920x1080), Colour depth (ex: 42)

Local storage

The browser allows variables (text) to be stored on the hard disk permanently.

  • cookie_consent : Whether you have accepted cookies (yes: true, no: nothing)

  • accept_detailed_stats : If you have accepted the retrieval of detailed statistics (yes: true, no: nothing). For more information: Usage statistics

  • tic_tac_toe_history : The list of the last 20 (maximum) games played.

  • game_of_life_board : The last modified table in the game, so that you can find it even if you close the browser tab.

Release Notes
0.9.1 (02/05/2023)

Bug fixes

  • Fix :

    • The zoom-in and zoom-out cursor are reversed in the image display

    • Error when undoing a group edit

0.9.0 (02/05/2023)

Redesign of the code

  • New :

    • Adding a site visit statistics service (Ackee)

    • Sorting and searching in the task list.

  • Changes :

    • Redesigned the code for all client-side components

    • Removed the back buttons at the top of the page at each heading on the `about' page and added a fly-out button at the bottom right of the screen

    • Redesigned the window displayed when javascript is disabled

    • Grouping of libraries in the same file

    • Abandon JQuery

    • Changed the client-side event system

    • Redesigning the client-side request system

0.8.1 (10/02/2023)

Bug fixes and Todo list

  • New :

    • Todo list

  • Fix :

    • The login page does not work

  • Changes :

    • The selection drop-down menus are now made with Tippy to avoid any overflow

    • The number of errors made in the hangman game is now displayed

0.8.0 (19/01/2023)

Bug fixes, registration and emails

  • New :

    • Mail service again online for login alerts and new account registration

    • Registration page

    • Confirmation of registration by e-mail

  • Fix :

    • Connect 4 animations are not always identical due to stacked timeouts

0.7.2 (30/12/2022)

Bug fixes

  • Fix :

    • The hanged man starts with a fake letter

    • Download links do not work

  • Changes :

    • Rework of the URL shortener

    • Change of response system for better visibility of errors

    • Changing the client request system from Ajax to Axios

0.7.1 (28/12/2022)

Bug fixes and Connect 4

  • New :

    • Connect Four

  • Fix :

    • The hanged man starts with a fake letter

0.7.0 (27/12/2022)

User and group management

  • New :

    • User and group management

  • Changes :

    • Metadata for indexing in a browser

0.6.8 (22/12/2022)

Fixing bugs and Game of Life

  • New :

    • Game of Life added

  • Fix :

    • The icons in the header and on the homepage are not the right colour

    • There is a margin to the right of the menu scroll bar on mobile

0.6.7 (17/12/2022)

Fixing bugs

  • New :

    • Adding the Home Assistant application to the list on the home page and in the header

  • Fix :

    • The markdown style is not applied in the user page

    • The version displayed in the footer is incorrect

    • The anchor in the url is not taken into account when the page is loaded

    • Changing avatars does not work

  • Changes :

    • Adding a link to additional information in the cookie consent popup

    • The shortcuts are now available at /s/{name}

    • Added a button to display the password on the login page

0.6.6 (11/12/2022)

Hangman game and fixing bugs

  • New :

    • Hangman game

  • Fix :

    • Some of the sketches in the flora are double, triple, ...

0.6.5 (09/12/2022)

Fixing bugs

  • Fix :

    • The page is not centred because of the scroll bar on the right

    • The text code is not visible

  • Changes :

    • The flora now has sketches for some identification keys

0.6.4 (07/12/2022)

Fixing bugs

  • New :

    • Tic-tac-toe games are now saved locally (browser local storage) when no account is connected

  • Fix :

    • Language change is not taken into account when an account is not logged in

    • Pages do not refresh when using back or an internal link to the page

    • The menu button does not change when the menu is open

0.6.3 (04/12/2022)

Fixing bugs

  • Fix :

    • Access to static files on restricted pages is allowed

    • In case of a connection error, the validate button is not clickable

    • Not all links in the header are displayed

    • The Flora class is not added to SAHYG so the instance creation fails

    • Loading the tic-tac-toe page causes an error on the server

    • The name of the connection cookie is not correct in the About page (connect.sid instead of token)

0.6.2 (30/11/2022)

Fixing bugs

  • Fix :

    • Inaccessible parameters

    • Language customisation has no effect

0.6.1 (29/11/2022)

Fixing bugs

  • Fix :

    • Profile inaccessible

    • User popups no longer work, they display An error has occurred

    • The border of the notifications is invisible on some backgrounds

0.6.0 (27/11/2022)

Fixing bugs and stopping the API

  • Fix :

    • Invisible AdGuard application

    • The connection no longer works

    • The disconnection no longer works

    • The URL shortener is unreachable

    • Flora is unreachable

    • Jokes are unreachable

    • Tic-tac-toe is unreachable

  • Changes :

    • Stopping the API

    • The flora now allows a search with more than one keyword (the first results are the complete matches)

0.5.3 (21/09/2022)

Bug fixes

  • Fix :

    • Header menu is incomplete

0.5.2 (18/09/2022)

Bug fixes

  • Fix :

    • Display of characters in URI format in the flora (%C3%A9tamines at the link of etamines)

    • Page titles are too big especially on mobile

    • Tic-tac-toe history columns do not have a fixed column width

    • Invisible footer in the flora

    • Search bar in URL shortener too small on mobile

    • Wrong host name in URL shortener page

    • Unable to save first and last name in settings

    • Invisible footer on mobile

    • Height and width of the Truenas icon different

0.5.1 (30/08/2022)

Settings, continued

  • New :

    • Custom fields are now editable in the settings

  • Fix :

    • Some bugs have been fixed

0.5.0 (14/08/2022)

Finally the parameters

  • New :

    • The profile settings are now editable in the profile and sharing settings tab

  • Fix :

    • Some bugs have been fixed

0.4.0 (03/07/2022)

A flora online

  • New :

    • Addition of an online plant identification key with associated glossary.

  • Fix :

    • Some bugs have been fixed

0.3.0 (10/05/2022)

My first game

  • New :

    • Added a tic-tac-toe game against another day (on the same screen) or against the machine with the possibility to choose the player who starts. This game also records the games played if you are logged in.

  • Fix :

    • Some bugs have been fixed

0.2.0 (10/05/2022)

A new page

  • New :

    • Added a jokes page with the possibility to download the jokes catalogue (currently 100).

  • Fix :

    • Some bugs have been fixed

0.1.0 (22/04/2022)

A first application

  • New :

    • Adding a URL shortener

  • Fix :

    • Some bugs have been fixed

0.0.0 (01/01/2022)

Initial version